Feature by Katie Greene
You don’t have to be a hippie or a kid looking to score a low-budget game to enjoy the work of individual
developers. If you take a closer look, the library of indie games is packed with masterpieces that will
impress both young and adult players, but today we’ll talk about the ones that will put retro games on
the spot.
Mostly designed in a 2D and/or pixelated environment, these games usually sport a scroll-side action or
look a bit simple at first sight. However, they will soon remind you of childhood and those amazing hours
you spent at the arcades, playing games with your friends. So why not give them a chance?
Below are top five indie games we believe retro fans would love.
Axiom Verge
If you ever played Metroid, or you enjoy similar retro games, Axiom Verge will be right up your alley. The
action and graphics are inspired by
Nintendo’s game Metroid
, and what’s most impressing, the game is
developed and supported by just one developer!
There is a lot of exploration involved and the game offers you a plethora of weapons so you’ll never run
out of things to kill your enemies with. Our recommendation is to make sure you have some good
headphones on and that no one will disturb you while you’re trying to save the universe. This way, you’ll
be fully immersed in a pixelated background that looks extremely bad ass!
The game is available on Steam, PS4, PS Vita, and Wii U.
Volgar the Viking
This is a side-scrolling action game that’s a bit more difficult than you would expect. Actually, it requires
your full focus and you need to be well-versed in battle games and adventures in order to go through the
first level. Based on a mixture of retro games, you can see some
Castlevania action
in it, but there are
also elements from
Ninja Gaiden
, that make everything a lot more fun and difficult.
So, if you’re on the market looking for a difficult and adventurous platform, this is definitely the one. Still,
if you want something a bit lighter, we suggest you to try
; it’s still challenging, but it is easier to
move further into the action.
The graphics and the action of this game make you feel like you’re playing a ridiculously old and fun PC
game (think Prince in terms of age and movement). Gunpoint is a stealth spy game with good action and
filled with cool mechanics that give you the upper hand.
The cool thing is that you can play it for hours without getting bored, and it doesn’t have anything flashy
or loud in its construction. It’s so utterly different from the modern games that it will come as a breath of
fresh air.
The Black Heart
For those of you who enjoyed Mortal Kombat or Darkstalkers, The Black Heart is a natural choice. This is
a fighting game, based on the aforementioned productions, placed in a 2D world, with well-developed
characters that shine due to their abilities and aspect.
The story of each character is heart-wrenching and sends chills down your spine, and each fight is
designed to help the character move along on their mission. The fights and fatalities make you think
about the early versions of Mortal Kombat, but they are different and possibly more terrible.
So, if you’re a fan of the genre, this game is definitely a must-try. However, if you’re not yet ready to face
the action, we recommend warming up with some
zombie games
– these are lighter and a bit more fun.
End of Line
While the art style may remind you of Mega Man, the game is actually a series of puzzles that the main
character (a forgotten robot when the Earth has been deserted by humans) has to solve. The idea is that
you have to learn how to die as a robot that’s constantly being repaired by other robots.
It may sound a bit sad, but the game has you thinking at full capacity and asks you to constantly build
and re-build strategies to destroy the robots around you by using obstacles to your advantage.
In Conclusion
As you can see, Indie games can be challenging and provide players with tons of fun. The conclusion here
is that you don’t have to spend your savings on high-end games that may not be as challenging, when
you have this un-tapped resource available one search away.