“Popa Manuel”

13459616_10209790051687224_507380754_nInterview with Popa Manuel

By Jonni Hirst

Popa has been behind some very recent, good retro styled Indie Games that are appearing on “Steam”, such as “Flesheaters”, and his latest game “Cosmic Dust & Rust” which is very popular amongst gamers at the moment. Popa himself designs the pixelated graphics, with his very own unique style.







RGM – “What inspired you to make this game? Cosmic Dust & Rust?”
POPA – I always wanted to make a Tower defence game, and whilst I was drawing some space ships i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to see if i can make one.2016-06-20_0915

RGM – “What development tools or coding do you use?”
POPA – I deal with all the artwork and design. For artwork i use windows paint because i’m very old school and for animations i use adobe flash motion tweens.13446245_10209790086288089_1776529864_o

RGM – “Have you had to overcome any hurdles developing your game?”
POPA – Yes , A lot, on “Flesheaters” for example I had to change three coders. First one started doing bad updates so I ended the collaboration, second coder was very slow with updates up to the point of no updates at all and the third, DMITRY, did an actual good job.

I lost a lot of my own personal money in this development because of the first two coders not taking the job serious.
And on personal level even more obstacles, I neglected my loved ones and my family and almost lost relations because of it. My body was already very tired after working eight hour’s at my day job, and then going home to work on my games got me so exhausted that I had to pinch myself so I could be sure I was awake. 2016-06-20_0918

RGM – “What other games have you made and which one was your favourite?”
POPA – I have made four games on steam during my first year of PC game development. My favorite game was “Flesheaters”, I placed a lot of passion in it maybe that’s why it got so well received by the players.13461121_10209790083128010_1346665298_o

RGM – “What was your first ever game you developed?”
POPA – Hah , my first game was an rpg with 100 items and 100 quests I made in flash and i’m not even joking. I did  actually finish it and got it published on flash game portals way back in 2008.

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RGM – “What got you into making games?”
POPA – When i was little i played a lot of old TV and arcade games and always thought of ways to improve them and now that i got my game dev skill i can finally shape the games to how i desire.

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RGM – “My favourite computer was my Amiga and console the Playstation One, do you have a favourite?”
POPA – Good old Sega genesis all the way

RGM – “What is your favourite retro game?”
POPA – Shadowrun from the sega genesis

RGM – “What is your favourite Indie Game?”
POPA – Project Zomboid

RGM – “What is the worst game you have ever played?”
POPA – minisweeper hahaha

RGM – “What does the future have in store? What are you working on?”
POPA – I’m now working on a sequel for “Flesh Eaters” and “Metal SKin Arena” which is a arcade type top down shooter heavily inspired by the retro movie “Robot Jox”

RGM – “What would you like to see reviewed in retrogamemaster?”
POPA – My own game “Flesh Eaters” and then “Flesh eaters 2” because i’m planning huge improvements in the engine and the visuals.

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