Robert Kaiser CEO rokapublish


Robert Kaiser CEO rokapublish interview by Peter Ward

Game Overview

Survive on a mysterious island!

A quest-based open world farming adventure to challenge your survival instinct!

A farming adventure of discovery for all Zelda and Stardew Valley fans. Plant, harvest and discover to survive on a lonely island and escape!

Short Description
Stranded Sails is an open world farming adventure full of discoveries, quests and puzzles! Along with your crew you are ship-wrecked on a mysterious archipelago. Now it’s up to you to secure your survival and solve the mysteries deep in the heart of the islands –and finally escape.

Long Discription
Adventure ahoy! You join your father on his exploration vessel to discover new shores. But then disaster strikes! Along with your fearless crew you are ship-wrecked on a mysteriously exotic archipelago covered in impenetrable wilderness. As the son of the gravely injured captain you take charge of taking care of and rescuing the survivors. You embark on an exciting adventure full of amazing discoveries, quests and puzzles – and an almost impossible goal.

Your initial priority for survival: Set up a survivors’ camp and find food resources. Since resources are limited you plant your own crops. Step by step you establish your own farm to feed all survivors and keep them happy in your camp. Only then will you manage to reach your goal of building a new ship and escape from the archipelago. If your crew members are happy and well-fed, they’ll take care of the farming while you’re away exploring the 7 islands.

Using your father’s old navy spyglass you embark on many exploration trips from one island to the other and discover – both along the road and in the thickets – may different useful tools to be used with other materials. And on the different islands new plant seeds and many other amazing treasures are just waiting to be found.

To expand your survivors’ camp and make work for your crew a little easier, you can take on various quests in your island paradise. But careful – that island idyll is quite treacherous! You’re not alone with your crew. Some strange threats loom on certain islands! Will you solve the secret of the cursed islands? Because that’s the only way to ever leave them.

Experience a relaxed open world farming adventure
Farm and cook to survive
Discover the islands to find new plants and useful items
Watch your energy reserves and choose the right food
Provide food for your crew and improve their level of happiness
Explore 7 excitingly different islands
Master story-driven quests full of adventure
Solve tricky puzzles and challenges
Manage the creation and expansion of a survivors’ camp
Fight against supernatural dangers
Solve the secret of the cursed islands
Prove your skills as a ship builder
Experience a survival adventure with day and night cycle
Fun for the whole family

What is your first gaming experience?

The era that influenced me the most as a player was the time with my C64. I remember playing Bru Lee , Turbo outrun and Load runner for hours.

What got you into creating games?

I’m still fascinated by how Nintendo managed to fill simple game ideas with depth and fun. For me, it’s like a special kind of art that got me into creating games on my own.

What development tools or coding did you use?

We work with two different engines, depending on what kind of game we develop:


What hurdles did you have making your current game?

The development has gone really well so far. The only significant hurdle is to develop the game within a manageable period of time. Our plan was to develop the game within 6 months – the previous planning phase not included. A very tight schedule and unfortunately we won’t be able to do it. However, we think it will be possible in 8 months of hard work.

After the completion of the game what game will you make?

At the moment we are concentrating on the current project. We want to finish Stranded Sails – Explorers of the Cursed Islands first. Then we’ll take a closer look at which game we’re going to develop and release. There are already some rough ideas. If the players like Stranded Sails, we definitely want to continue to inspire our community with the next game ideas.


What other games have you made?

We have already released a large number of games. Especially the titles Harvest Life and Last Resort Island are at our very hearts. Harvest Life is a farm game and Last Resort Island has a great sense of humour.


My favourite computer was my Amiga and console the Megadrive do you have a favourite?


I had a Commodore C64 but I definitely liked the Amiga much better. My absolute favorite was the SNES. That was the best time of gaming for me.  


What is your favourite retro game?

Wow, that’s a good question! My answer is quite spontaneous and unsorted… These are my Top 5: Donkey Kong Country SNES, Super Mario Land GameBoy, Giana Sisters Amiga, F-Zero SNES, Starwing/Starfox SNES


Do you still game on the current consoles if so what’s your favourite game?

I’m currently playing Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Dead Cell both on the Nintendo Switch.


What’s the worst game you have ever played?

By far the worst game was Back to Nature C64 -simply cruel!


Finally what game or feature would you like to see on Retrogamesmaster in the future?

Jagged Alliance 2 – I’ve spent countless hours playing this game.

For more information on the game visit the website: