DRAGODINO is being developed for 2 years in our free time now will be released at Q1 2017.


TealRocks Studio, we are two person on this company :

Maureen Caudron : Artist/Animation

Pierre Proudhon : Development



DRAGODINO is a 2D rogue platformer game in a colorful fun world. You play Bob, the main among 4 characters, who has different powers. There is around 10 different levels with different gameplay in the 1st World : The Forest. We’re working on more challenges, harder enemies, loots and constant update in gameplay.

What is your first gaming experience?

Pierre proudhon : my first experience, i remember, was with NES and Super Mario Bros 3. I have also some memories about Mega Man and TMNT 2 on NES. Also my brother had an Amstrad CPC and i remember i played at Gauntlet, Commando and Bomb jack :).
Maureen Caudron : I think my first gaming experience was Mario Bros on the NES. I played with my brother, obviously I was Luigi, the second player. But I have played to Double Dragon or Ikari Warrior still with my bro, or Lolo and Duck Hunt alone.

What got you into programming games?

Pierre Proudhon : On my childhood, i was fascinated by video game and spend lot of time on their. My dream is first to test video game, and after to making my own video game. Video game mixes all sort of art and it’s so interesting to produce game that i want to do my own. The goal is to produce gameplay and universe where player find some pleasure to evolve in.
Maureen Caudron : Actually it’s my meeting with Pierre. Before my only wish it was created universe, doesn’t matter the support.

What development tools or coding did you use?

We use

– Unity for development

– Spine (Esotheric Software) to product animation and export in unity

What hurdles did you have making your current game?

So DragoDino is our first game, the goal is to know all of hurdles’ kind  we could encounter during production. It’s almost two years we have started our game and the main problem that we have met is the difficulty to make known our game as indie with low budget.

Other difficulties are :

  • keep going until the production’s end, still motivated to forward
  • be sure that we’ll go in the good way to make the game always better

After the completion of the game what game will you make?

After the release of the PC version around April, we’ll concentrate us on the Switch, Xbox One and PS4 versions. We’ll start too our second game which will be for mobile. We have to set on the game’s choice but it will be a puzzle or a management game.

What other games have you made you made?

Before we start DragoDino, we have started a mobile game named SuperNova but we had to stop it. We have also did M. Charlie Berte :

It’s our first game we have finish and publish. It’s a tribute to Charlie Hebdo and french freedom expression

My favourite computer was my Amiga and console the Megadrive do you have a favourite?

Pierre Proudhon : Although having stated with Nes, Amstrad and Snes, my favourite is N64 because it’s the first console i owned. And when i think about Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of time, Goldeneyes or Super Smash Bros, i have so many memories. Also we can play to 4 players in same time and i have so many memories about crazy game with my friends
Maureen Caudron : I started with the NES, but I think my favourite console is the SuperNES ‘cause i falled in love with Link To The Past and Street Fighters 2. I had different console not only Nintendo : MegaDrive, DreamCast, Playstation1…

What is your favourite retro game?

Pierre Proudhon : So many games…, Mega Man, Zelda a link to the past, Day of the tentacle, Warcraft, Final Fantasy 6/7, Super Mario kart, Super Mario Bros 3, TMNT 2. It’s very hard to choose but i thinks my favorite is in this set 🙂 : Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of time, Goldeneyes or Super Smash Bros !
Maureen Caudron : Arg, hard to choose ! If I can try to chose one by support it will be : Double Dragon on NES, A Link to the Past on SuperNes, Sonic on MegaDrive, MarioKart on Nintendo64, Mario Sunshine on the GameCube, Phantasy Star Online/SoulCalibur on DreamCast, Rival School on PS1

Do you still game on the current consoles if so whats your favourite game?

Pierre Proudhon : Yes a lot ! My favourites games from this last year are : Gear of War series, Mass effect series and Witcher 3. I’ve crushed on several indie game like that : Binding of isaac, Don’t starve or also Limbo. So i love randomly generated game and it’s a reason why DragoDino it’s that kind of game :).
Maureen Caudron : Yes I do. Currently, my favourite game on console is Gears Of War 4, on PC there are different game I love like Witcher3, GuildWars, BattleFront. The last game I played is an indie game : The Witness, really beautiful.

Whats the worst game you have ever played?

Pierre Proudhon : It’s not the worst but the hardest. It’s TMNT on NES, so hard :’(, but i played because it was TMNT and i love this animated.
Maureen Caudron : I don’t remember. Any traumatizes me so i don’t remember me ;).